Training Programs
Gordon Barrett training programs offers you cutting edge training interventions that enhance your workforce efficiency and propel the achievement of your business objectives. Our Trainers have over 150 years of combined experience.

Getting new business is a constant and never-ending process. From the moments you are given to make your pitch the job is yours to lose. If they've agreed to see you, then they must be attracted to something you have. To create the very best pitch, you need to be able to create two-way empathetic communication; giving them an actual experience of what working with you would be like (not just another PowerPoint slide). Work out what you need to ask them, not just prepare for what you're going to tell them; spice up your pitch presentation so they are eager to ask questions. You can have a great team, with experience and knowledge in depth, but if your Presentation and Pitching Skills are not doing justice to the talent involved, it's time to call in the experts!
• Business Development, Client Service, Marketing Managers and all those who represent organizations in winning businesses.
In this dispensation of intense competition in the market place, strong brand building skills are required to survive and thrive. Without doubt, brands have become strategic assets and also serving as a primary source of competitive advantage for a marketing organization.
The course is designed to develop the understanding of marketing practitioners in building and maintaining strong brands. It will develop their ability to design and successfully implement brand plans in addition to addressing the power of brand strength and converting it to business success for the firm.
• Marketing executives, brand managers, product managers, business development managers and corporate communication managers
• Staff, Supervisors and managers heading units, departments and special project groups all aiming at higher productivity
This course is designed to sharpen the skills of participants and their understanding of the negotiation process. Negotiation is an essential people at work, especially for those who have to bargain on behalf of the organization. The exciting course would enable participants master the negotiation techniques and obtain better outcomes.
TARGET AUDIENCE: • Procurement Officers, Project Officers and other officers who negotiate on behalf of their organizations
Traditionally, retirement (whether mandatory, voluntary or otherwise – leaving paid employment) should be a period of leisure, fulfillment and perhaps, self-rediscovery. It can also be a time of economic challenges. Indeed, some retirees or those leaving paid employment before retirement age have even turned their lifelong hobbies into successful enterprises while some others used the opportunity to commence the business of their dreams. On the other hand, retirement or leaving paid employment has become scary to some other people. In fact, the stress and trauma of sudden loss of job or the reality of imminent loss of employment invariably create serious social economic and health problems for employees particularly after disengagement. Many even resign in despair and hardly ever recover again. The major cause of this state of affair is because of lack of adequate pre-retirement preparation. This Workshop therefore is designed to adequately equip and prepare employees to appreciate that leaving paid employment is one of the changes and challenges that is inevitable in working life and to prepare them psychologically to face the imminent challenge with positive goals and objectives in mind.
• All those who are about to retire within the next 3 to 5 years• Secretaries, Typists, Receptionists, Cashiers, Security Staff and all other non-sales staff that come in contact with customers and other official visitors
This course will help you to recognise the opportunities of delivering effective face-to-face marketing to customers, suppliers and partners using events. This course is designed for those responsible for organising or overseeing events within their organisation. Individuals may have experience of marketing and be starting an event management project or be new to event management and seeking the tools and skills necessary for effective organisation and control.
• Supervisors and Managers responsible for planning/organizing and executing business/social events for their organizations
• Proprietors of Event Management companies and Tour operators
A primary purpose of any business is to create and keep customers! Customer acquisition and retention evolve far beyond customer service - in fact, customer "service" has reached commodity status. You can get "service" just about anywhere you go. So how do you stand out from the crowd?
To be truly unbeatable in the customer service arena, the best companies today compete - and win - based on the rich, memorable experience they consistently provide their customers. When was the last time you considered the value of your customers' experience when working with you or your company? How do they really feel when they leave your office? Alive and invigorated, or dull and de-motivated?
This seminar takes customer service to a higher level by emphasising practical, real-world strategies for staging a reliably unbeatable experience - one that will have your customers consistently talking favourably about your organisation. The instructor will share provocative insights about how to design and execute a compelling customer experience that will create distance between you and your competition.
• Marketing executives, brand managers, product managers, business development managers and corporate communication managers
• All Sales and Marketing staff and those linking up with clients with the use of digital media.
This introductory course will provide an overview of an integrated supply chain along with an overview of the process analysis, design and modelling skills that are essential for both the improvement of individual elements of the process and integration of the supply chain as a whole.
It will cover the identification and removal of redundant operations, bottlenecks (elements in the process that are over capacity) and improvements to the flow rate.
• The programme is aimed at organisational members with any involvement in or responsibility for the supply chain
br.• Staff, Supervisors and managers heading units, departments and special project groups all aiming at higher productivity

Basic Safety is an induction course suitable for any employee who requires a foundation in fundamental principles of safety, and for whom safety is a part of job success
A Health, Safety and Environment (HSE) Management System, the world over, is the best proven way of managing HSE risks faced by an organization with the capacity to anticipate and address all HSE issues before they lead to incidents. Participants learn what HSE Management Systems are, how they work, and what fundamental HSE issues apply t any business setting.
• Supervisors, Managers/Officers responsible for Health, Safety or Environment Management
• Health, Safety and Environment Professionals
• Executives and Senior Managers with strategic interest in the future direction of Health, Safety and Environment Management
Job Hazard Analysis involves breaking down work processes in an organization into smaller, manageable job functions and analyzing these functions to determine the specific risks associated with them. An effective Job Hazard Analysis will help an employer recognize and control hazards and exposures in the workplace, through the critical review of each job function.
TARGET AUDIENCE: Production Managers, HSE Manages/officers, Risk Managers, Safety Managers/Officers, Environment managers/Officers, Insurance Professionals, Project Managers, First-line supervisors, HSE Professionals and anyone with interest in understanding HSE or Risk Management.
To practice effectively, supervisors must have a thorough knowledge of the safe practices applicable in their work setting. They must also be able to build employee confidence in their HSE leadership role, in order to develop a lasting culture of safety.
Safety, Health & Environment Managers or any employee with the responsibility for managing HSE or the safety of other employees.
Often, accidents, or at least serious incidents, are blamed on human errors or “mistakes”. The human errors are easily observed at the time immediately preceding the accident, and are assumed to be responsible for the occurrence. This is not entirely true, as accidents tend to be caused by more underlying causes, usually not apparent at the time accidents occur. Underlying causes include failure of systems at the workplace, and these must be focused in order to determine the real causes of accidents and incidents.
Production managers, HSE Managers/Officers, Risk Managers, Safety Manager/Officers, Environment Managers/Officers, Insurance Professionals, Project Managers, First-line Supervisors, HSE Professionals and anyone with interest in understanding HSE or Risk Management.
This is an appreciation programme for First Responders for Fire, Explosion, Chemical spills, Oil spills, Image and Reputation emergencies. It could also serve as a compliance programme for all employees.
• Field Sales Managers, Regional Sales Managers/Controllers, Product/ Brand Managers and all those deeply involved in the sales efforts at a senior level.