Training Programs
Gordon Barrett training programs offers you cutting edge training interventions that enhance your workforce efficiency and propel the achievement of your business objectives. Our Trainers have over 150 years of combined experience.

Leadership is social influence; it is all about influencing people to freely and willing do what the leader wants them to do. It is all about finding ways to inspire evolve and empower them, with the aim of delivering performance targets. The business world of today places a responsibility on the leader to achieve his targets through the efforts of his subordinates. Thus this course will expose participants to the core skills required to elicit self motivation, teamwork and improved individual and team performance
TARGET AUDIENCE: Managers, Supervisors, Graduate Trainees, Team/Unit/Sectional Leaders
Effective management of time available to a person essentially determines his success. Indeed, the root cause of most work problems arise from poor use of time, inability to prioritize tasks and working under pressure. Focusing on how one spends his time can make significant change in personal accomplishments This course is designed to assist participants in proactively managing their time more efficiently and effectively.
TARGET AUDIENCE: Management trainees, supervisors and middle-level managers who must strive to manage increased workload and work pressure
Supervisors play a vital role as middle-management staff in mobilizing human and material resources towards attaining corporate goals and objectives. Supervisory cadre bestrides the strategic leadership and the “workers”, thereby serving a critical linkage function. It is therefore, expedient to empower them with essential managerial skills at that level for greater productivity and efficiency
TARGET AUDIENCE: Staff with supervisory responsibilities, newly-promoted officers, sectional heads, team leaders and foremen
Traditionally, retirement (whether mandatory, voluntary or otherwise – leaving paid employment) should be a period of leisure, fulfillment and perhaps, self-rediscovery. It can also be a time of economic challenges. Indeed, some retirees or those leaving paid employment before retirement age have even turned their lifelong hobbies into successful enterprises while some others used the opportunity to commence the business of their dreams. On the other hand, retirement or leaving paid employment has become scary to some other people. In fact, the stress and trauma of sudden loss of job or the reality of imminent loss of employment invariably create serious social economic and health problems for employees particularly after disengagement. Many even resign in despair and hardly ever recover again. The major cause of this state of affair is because of lack of adequate pre-retirement preparation. This Workshop therefore is designed to adequately equip and prepare employees to appreciate that leaving paid employment is one of the changes and challenges that is inevitable in working life and to prepare them psychologically to face the imminent challenge with positive goals and objectives in mind.
• All those who are about to retire within the next 3 to 5 years
• Employees who may be willing to retire voluntary and go into self-employment
It is a basic fact of life that changes are inevitable. Indeed, there can be no progress and growth without change. Any organization that resists change is on the way out of business. This fact notwithstanding, some organizations and their employees still resist vital business restructuring. They tend to get paranoid, which ultimately affects individual and corporate performance
All employees particularly those whom the organization relies on for timely results
The dynamic nature of the business environment today and the desire to achieve optimum results has placed more responsibilities on the secretary adding to their traditional roles. This course aims at promoting the unique ideals secretaries and personal assistants must possess to succeed in the new dispensation.
• Secretaries, Personal Assistants, Administrative Officers, etc
The dynamic business environment occasioned by the nation’s challenging economic profile has hampered the ability of organizations to increase productivity and these have impacted negatively on work ethics. Consequently our economic recovery effort will remain largely meaningless if work ethics which is central to both corporate governance and productivity is not adequately addressed.
This programme is designed to equip participants with the requisite skills essential for fully exploiting the creative potentials of the workforce for improved performance
• Line Managers and Supervisors as well as Unit/Departmental Heads
Modern day supervisors, officers and executives write reports very regularly. Such reports include project reports, staff reports, marketing activities reports, etc. Indeed, being able to communicate effectively in writing and in speech is an invaluable skill without which an organization cannot function well.
This course exposes participants to different styles and substance of skillful communication that commands attention for the desired audience.
• • Officers, Supervisors and managers who have to produce reports and make presentations, service-related pitches, etc.
Teams are basic units around which work is organized in contemporary business of today. In order to create the required synergy, individuals at all levels must demonstrate competence not only on their individual jobs but to work as members and also as team leaders.
Focus on team goals encourages attainment of performance objectives, shared leadership, common work procedures and development of multi-disciplinary skills in team members. It enhances focusing the whole staff on common business and cultural goals; wiping out “fortress mentality” and getting different departments to better work together.
• Staff, Supervisors and managers heading units, departments and special project groups all aiming at higher productivity
The rate of change in the global operating environment, and particularly Nigeria in this democratic dispensation, demand that only organizations which kit their employees to “search, recognize and leverage new opportunities before anyone else, can actually survive and attain growth in the face of very intense competition in the market place. Thus, there is the need for creative and competitive strategic thinking on the part of senior and top management staff.
• Top/middle-level managers saddled with responsibility for ensuring improvement in productivity

The course will enable the delegates to have a clear understanding of the basics of face-to-face selling and customer relationship skills. This will assist them in becoming a successful salesperson. The programme is suitable for people who are relatively new to selling, as well as more experienced people who wish to refresh their basic skills.
By the end of this course the delegates will be able to:
- Explain and demonstrate the sales process
- Understand the customers buying process
- Construct effective questions to use in a sales interview and actively listen to the customer's responses
- Explain how effective communication can assist them when conducting a sales interview and when building long term relationships with different types of customers
- Describe how to match product solutions to customers' individual needs
- Demonstrate how avoid and overcome customer objections in order to gain commitment to the next step
- Detail how to close a sale effectively
• Sales Representatives, Customer Service Officers, Warehouse and Logistics people and all those who have support role for the sales efforts.
To enable delegates build upon their existing skills by making them more aware of customer buying preferences and understanding what is happening in the customer's world – the marketplace. Once a delegate can understand the customer fully, they will be able to widen their opportunities and experience increased sales.
The programme is suitable for salespeople and managers who are responsible for major accounts, or who would benefit from further skills development.
TARGET AUDIENCE: • Field Sales Managers, Regional Sales Managers/Controllers, Product/ Brand Managers and all those deeply involved in the sales efforts at a senior level.
Negotiation is a life skill that everybody has to employ in their private as well as their working lives, whether it is arranging the installation of office equipment, organising a holiday rota or agreeing the terms and conditions of an accepted sales proposal. Without insight and training, most people would instinctively aim for getting the better of their opposite number in a negotiation, but skilled negotiators know that a ‘win – win’ outcome is to be preferred, especially when building a long-term relationship is a priority. To reach that position, participants need to be aware of the proven strategies, techniques and personal skills needed to reach an outcome that is successful for both parties which this course will aim to achieve.
Another vital tool in ensuring successful outcomes to all sales meetings is to be aware that we are all different and as such we need to deal with personalities on a case by case basis. This course aims to help delegates not only negotiate and influence clients, but understand how to deal with the different personalities we meet.
TARGET AUDIENCE: • Supervisors and managers, relationship staff and support staff in the Supply Chain, Marketing and Sales and other heads of units, departments dealing with negotiation with external bodies.
Sales professionals sometimes feel left behind by the fast moving world of digital communications and social media. In this engaging and practical one day workshop we begin from the basics and help the sales professional learn what's relevant and most important in online communication to deliver their sales targets and build long term relationships with loyal customers. Social networking can create new business leads but only when a sales approach is blended carefully with real customer value. Learning best practice in new digital communication provides a true competitive advantage and helps to deliver excellent return on investment for sales resources and activity.
• All Sales and Marketing staff and those linking up with clients with the use of digital media.
Branding is all about perception and satisfying the needs of the consumer. Branding helps customers in decision-making, creating a perceived knowledge of what they are going to buy…before they buy it. Perception is the belief the consumer holds in his or her mind about your product or service. People buy one product or another based on the ‘perceived benefits or solution’ they believe the product will offer them. For most consumers, the perceived benefits are unconscious.
Do you know how your brand is being perceived by consumers in the marketplace?
The Branding for Success guides companies and entrepreneurs in developing a brand perception that is consumer focused which can lead to increased sales.
Executives, Managers, Retail Managers, Marketing Managers, Sales Representatives, Brand Managers and Customer Service Supervisors.
The true nature of developing new customer relationships today is not to sell to the customer; it is outwitting, outflanking, outmaneuvering and outfighting competitors. In this arena, the enemy is the competition and the customer is the ground to be won.
• Field Sales Managers, Regional Sales Managers/Controllers, Product/ Brand Managers and all those deeply involved in the sales efforts at a senior level.
Most companies are operating in an increasingly crowded market space. For most reducing prices to compete is simply not an option as survival in today’s market place is dependent on many more elements than price alone.
You have to be able to differentiate yourself and your products and services to survive. In a message overloaded market place your messages have to cut through. If you can’t compel, you won’t sell. Learn how to influence your prospects and how to win and retain Key Account business.
Our Key Account Management training course will teach you strategies for getting the attention of decision makers and start winning more business now!
• Field Sales Managers, Regional Sales Managers/Controllers, Product/ Brand Managers and all those deeply involved in the sales efforts at a senior level.
Are your teams maximising the opportunities in their territories or are they just visiting your customers to get repeat orders? This training program focuses upon providing sales professionals with the strategies to manage their time, territory and improve relationships with profitable customers.
• Field Sales Managers, Regional Sales Managers/Controllers, Product/ Brand Managers and all those deeply involved in the sales efforts at a senior level.